Our Mission AT:

The Mind Cafe

We believe there is value in a faith based strategy in getting individuals to think about their brain and how they may adjust their behaviour to achieve optimal brain health and performance.


The Mind Cafe Works!

We have been providing much needed comprehensive Mental health Services including screening, assessment and support for High Functioning Autism to individuals and groups in the UK for over 14 years. Learn More


Our Impact

Trading as the Mind Cafe since 2006 has provided faith based Mental and Emotional Health services to the Christian Community in the UK with very favourable outcomes.

In recent times some of our clients that had been on Community treatment order for long periods of time have been released.

They have been making use of our complementary interventions for their recovery.

These are some of the many members of the community that we have rescued from the revolving door experience of the conventional Mental Health Service provision.

We provide free weekly workshops where any member of the public can access at lest 2 to 3 of our interventions in each session.

We have a unique insight into how High Functioning Autism is most times misunderstoood. If it is not diagnosed on time, it can result in untold hardship for many people. We provide screening, diagnosis and life-long support for adolescents and adults living with High Functioning Autism/Aspergers.


Get Involved

Here is a description of how to get involved. We are embarking on a fundraising drive which will consist of a series of events which aims to raise £5,000,000.00 by the end of 2022. This is in pursuit of building or acquiring our own day hospital. Your generosity and support will be very much appreciated.


Become a regular sponsor

You can support us with a regular subscription of £10.00 a month. Subscribers can access most of our services at considerable rebate.


You can make a bulk donation to our Barclays Bank Account Number: 23756904 Sort Code: 20-41-12

book an appointment

We offer phone triage and appointments can be booked for zoom consultations.. In exceptional circumstances we do offer home visits. We do charge for consultations , diagnosis and reports.